April 26, 2006
How do you maintain a consistent stream of referrals? Enough referrals to help you grow your practice and attract well-paying clients that you love to work with?
Imagine not having to be concerned about meeting revenue or billing goals. Your practice is thriving, you are getting the right kind of referrals, doing the work you enjoy and meeting your financial goals.
How would this affect your practice? Does the vision of having a consistent stream of referrals bring you a sense of peace?
You can accomplish this by developing a system to nurture and grow key referral sources.
To achieve this goal you must be proactive and take the time necessary to build your referral network.
There are five primary reasons your clients and referral sources will give you referrals:
- They are highly satisfied with your service and their clients have a positive experience working with you.
- They know that you want referrals.
- They can easily communicate what you do, the value you provide and how this differs from other practitioners.
- They know, like and trust you.
- They have received value from you, e.g., a referral (this is key), new contact, relevant knowledge, etc.
Based on my research and personal experience with growing a practice and coaching hundreds of practitioners, the following are the six strategies that I have found to be most effective for developing a consistent stream of referrals:
- Know who your top referral sources are and maintain a data base for tracking them. Create a list today if you do not already have one.
- Get feedback from your referral sources and clients on how
you're doing. You can do this by consistently sending an evaluation
survey to all your clients and seeking feedback from your referral
sources on your services. Good questions to ask referral sources include: - How would you rate the our firms level of service? - Have your clients given you feedback about our service?
- Are there any areas we could improve? - Once you develop your "A" list of key referral sources. Schedule time to meet with them in person, learn about their business, clients and interests.
Good questions to ask referral sources in this meeting include:
- How long have you been doing (insert profession)?
- What inspired you to get into (insert profession)?
- What kind of work do you enjoy most?
- Tell me about your practice and your clients.
- How would you describe your ideal client?
- How do I describe your service to my clients and network? - Create a simple system for consistently staying in touch with your "A" referral list. A guideline you can use is to touch your top 20% of referral sources at least once every other month. Send articles of interest, newsletters, invitations to educational programs, information on new trends, laws or studies that are relevant to your referral source's practice/business. If you see their name in the paper or hear they won an award, send a congratulatory note.
- Educate your referral sources to tell "your story" to their clients and colleagues. Provide them with an overview of your practice, an easy to understand core message and information on who your ideal client is. When you meet with your referral sources, ask them how they describe your work to their clients and colleagues.
- Provide significant value to your referral sources. This is the most important strategy and can be accomplished by knowing about your referral source's goals, ideal client characteristics,key strengths and interests and helping them to be successful in their practice. Value can be provided through a referral, sending relevant information to help them solve a problem or obtain a goal or connecting them to a valued resource.
These six strategies summarize how you can nurture and grow existing referral sources. Your existing referral sources are your best opportunity for growing your practice because
they already know you.
You will see greater results by spending more time with a small group of targeted referral sources than less time with a larger, diffuse group of people.
Creating a referral strategy does not have to be complicated or take up significant time. With the right plan you can increase your referrals in as little as a few hours a month.
I would love to hear your comments about this newsletter and your successes and challenges with growing your referral network. Please click on the comments link below to add your perspective.
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Liz Ferris- Ferris Consulting
Helping professionals and organizations achieve
accelerated growth
Need help with your referral strategy?
Ferris Consulting can help you implement a referral system
for your practice.
About Ferris Consulting
Ferris Consulting helps attorneys, mental health
professionals and financial specialists grow their practice
and provides marketing coaching, customized group telephone
seminars and practice growth workshops. For more
information contact Liz Ferris www.ferrisconsult.com
© 2005 Liz Ferris, All rights reserved.