Educate the Public – A successful strategy for growing your practice is built on education. In my experience the key to a successful education campaign for collaborative practice includes more than educating the public about Collaborative Practice, it includes educating the public on how Collaborative Practice addresses the issues and concerns that clients have. For example in the area of family law, education should include topics on divorce and how to get the best divorce possible. Write articles about children and divorce, managing the cost of divorce and the value of out of court settlements. Submit articles to local publications, blogs and internet forums. Include your articles on your web site and give them to prospective clients and referral sources. Speak on topics about reducing the emotional and financial cost of divorce at local and regional association meetings. Pay attention to current and local events; contact the press about relevant human interest stories i.e. Madonna’s divorce and the trend for amicable resolution and settlements that focus on the best interests of the children. The same education strategy should be used for areas outside of family law.